Swarm Artist Residency
After the age of 21, there are little to no arts programs for adults. When I was a kid, there was an abundance. I took advantage of all of them. Searching for creative community as I age and finding most of them behind expensive fees, memberships or paywalls - I started to wonder if I’d have to create my own. Which is why I was so grateful to find Swarm. This year is my 4th “swarm,” and my first time as a volunteer coordinator.
I’m always amazed by how much work and dedication it takes to bring anything to life. Swarm is cobbled together with micro donations and a lot of love. There is no fancy accommodations, it’s dorms without AC and camping. The programming is all offered by the artists and volunteers work to build community with what we have available. It’s a pay what you can model, one that allows accessibility to artists that could not attend otherwise. A well intentioned group that does its best. What ensues are artists frolicking and playing together in nature. For some, it’s their first time on a farm. For me, I never got to live in a dorm. So it fulfills a small part of me that felt like I missed out on a college experience others got to have. I adore walking the hallways and seeing huddles of artists working, playing and laughing.
A quick featurette, filmed and edited by myself on a DJI Osmo pocket. Campfire Storytelling, hosted by Chijioke Williams @chi_anansi.
That sweetness is something I hope to curate more regularly in my daily life in the city. Infusing more intentional creative community for play and friendship. So much of my career has depended on monetizing every relationship and connection toward a goal and while I’ve been successful cultivating work - I’ve been missing adult friendship that isn’t pressurized for results. I’m grateful to Swarm for embracing me and filling my life with new connections, not to mention kick ass artists. Our city is truly full of a rich tapestry of talent.
Leading groups didn’t allow me to paint as much as I’d like this go round - but I surrendered to the flow and did my best.
I’ve been working on ending my own perfectionism. Softening my inner voice and focusing on delight. Creating work for myself. My watercolors have been mental health memory scapes. Rather than painting from references, I paint from memory. I work with cameras daily, so reproducing reality and shaping it into feelings is something o understand deeply. My films are all collaborative - a complex contact sport that is shaped by many people. My paintings are just for me. I paint the horizon line because it makes me happy. Nature heals. I choose places and expanses that I’ve enjoyed. I relish the idea that I’m not required to sell any of them. I can make them for me, as much as I want and just let them be. If I change my mind, I’m allowed and that is enough. Curious about Swarm? You can visit our imperfect website and remember that we are not funded. lol. That means we update when we can. http://www.swarmartistresidency.com/